Simply position ground socket upright and pour concrete to secure. Installation tool used to check alignment before concrete cures. Ground Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete.
Rubble can be placed beneath socket if you want drainage. We recommend 150 or 350 mm ground sockets for small to medium signage (650 mm is not necessary in solid concrete footpaths or foundations, but can be used for extremely large double posted signs subject to high winds and bollards subject to severe impact)
NB: Sockets can be easily truncated to 150 mm and base reinserted. Refer to Directions
Ground Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete.
Allow space for paving/ asphalt so ground socket finishes level with road or footpath with a minimum of 150 mm solid concrete (DO NOT USE flexible grout or rapid set) on all sides of ground socket to protect surrounding paving from damage when items are impacted and fold flat.
NB: Make sure you install caps before spraying asphalt.
Ground Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete.
Core drill hole large enough to fit socket and fill gap with concrete to secure ground socket to existing foundation.
We recommend 150 or 350 mm ground sockets (650 mm is not necessary in solid concrete footpaths or foundations)
When installing items directly in soil you need a large footing so it is more imperative than ever that you make the concrete reusable.
NB: Socket does not alter the size concrete footing required- it is simply a protective shield to make the concrete footing re-usable.Socket is installed flush with surface and must be completely encased in concrete.
We recommend you install a 700 mm deep (minimum 50 mm beneath socket (suggest increasing depth 1m for bollards likely to be impacted by trucks or heavy vehicles at low speed) x 400 mm square foundation to provide stability and ensure against dislodgement when an item is impacted.