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Each module weighs just 20kg increasing to a massive 327kg, when filled with water, providing a significantly stable and secure barrier that resists both fracture and deformation when temporary force is applied. 

road barriers


NOT a Speed Rated Safety Barrier

10 Year Return to Base Warranty
on material and manufacturing



Providing a safety barrier you can trust, for pedestrian delineation, cordoning off no-go zones, drop offs, pits and traffic control. 


Available in

  • Red

  • White, and

  • Yellow



  • 1200

  • 1500

  • 1800

  • 2000


  • 900mm H x 500mm W

  • Made from 25% recycled material

  • Weighs 20kg empty, 327kg full

  • Water ballast of 200 Kg

  • Material Strength Tested to AS/NZS 4766:2006

  • UV20 Polyethylene to ASTM D2565

  • 70mm filler, overflow

  • 50mm drain centrally located



Extra Features:

  • Heavy-Duty

  • Low cost 

  • Highly durable

  • Massive Ten-year warranty

  • Safer- Rounded edges

  • Lightweight

  • Connecting lugs - no loose pins 

  • Packable, Six Pack Forklift Ready 

  • Handles for worker safety

  • Wear/Grip Treads 

  • Insect proof

  • Can be moved by Forklift when full.

  • Lights and Signage can be attached to provide
    24 hour traffic control

  • Bracket moulded on top of barrier to secure lighting

  • Recyclable – Eco Friendly

  • User friendly

  • No loose pins

  • Australian Made - and we need to buy local!

Aus_made_water-filled barriers
red water filled road barrier
white water filled road barrier
yellow water filled road barrier

Each module weighs just 20kg increasing to a massive 327kg, when filled with water, providing a significantly stable and secure barrier.

MRWA Approved Barriers

Aussie Made to last - 5 Year Warranty


We are made to last. Our Australian made Advanced Polymer Waterfilled Barriers are an innovative Australian designed and manufactured barrier that has been built to withstand both impact and the harsh Australian sunlight.


Our UV-protected Advanced Polymer Barriers provide maximum protection against both impact and the harsh Australian sun (tested to withstand more than ten times Aust Standards). 


Our shock Absorbing Advanced Polymer Barriers are designed to outlast and outperform alternative means of protecting for your people & assets, overcoming many of the shortfalls of cheaply made imported barriers on the market- and hell, we need to buy local!


 Our Heavy-Duty water filled barriers are both low cost and highly durable, providing a safety barrier you can trust, for pedestrian delineation, cordoning off no-go zones, drop offs, pits and traffic control. 


Polyethylene and polypropylene are frequently used in construction, military and industrial applications that require impact resistance and toughness. Impact resistance is the ability of a material to resist both fracture and deformation when temporary force is applied.


Aussie Made Quality you can trust.




  • Plastic materials are frequently used in construction, military and industrial applications that require impact resistance and toughness. As implied by the name, impact resistance is the ability of a material to resist both fracture and deformation when temporary force is applied.

    High impact resistant materials

  • Unlike steel Barriers (and most imported plastic Barriers on the market made from old fashioned plastics that over time fade and become brittle), our Barriers have unique properties and benefits that allow them to perform in demanding environments. Whilst the impact resistance of a plastic is temperature-dependent (becoming brittle below 15° , HDPE retains its properties in even low temperatures.

    Heavy Duty Design

  • Unlike most plastic Barriers on the market with thin 1-3 mm wall thickness, our Barriers and Bollard Covers are rotomoulded from a solid piece of Advanced Polymer material, with heavy duty 7 mm walls which ensures that they are structurally sound and robust enough to withstand even the hottest summer sun. 

    Looking good is also important to us!

  • Solid 7 mm walls also ensure our Barriers remain looking good impact after impact. Made using a durable, versatile thermoplastic that offers fantastic impact resistance and tensile strength. Since its molecules are packed together so tightly, this material boasts incredible toughness and rigidity combined with the ability to absorb impact force. 

impact resistant water filled barriers




  • Tensile strength at 72°F: 1,400 psi

  • Tensile modulus: 57,000

  • Tensile elongation at break: 100% 

  • Flexural modulus: 29,000 psi


uv protected water filled barriers

Our Barriers are made of a plastic material, but not all plastics are the same. You may have seen the effects on cheap plastic that is exposed to the harmful UV-rays of our Sun. Over time, they become brittle, fade and crack as the polymer elongation drops, that is, the structural integrity of plastic.


The natural conclusion is that plastic waster barriers won’t last long in the Sun. This is just not true, especially not with our Advanced Polymer Barriers which are made from a new age plastic that can last 100 years or more. 


The unique blend of  HDPE, Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW PE) thermosetting polymer and Rotathene® SUPA UV poly our Advanced Polymer Barriers and Bollard Covers  have more than 4.5 times the UV8 protection required by Australian standard (AS/NZ 4766:2006).


What is UV Stabilisation?

Many metals will rust and corrode as they weather and wither away. Steel, however, can be strengthening against oxidisation when chromium is added or protected from rust and oxidisation using galvanising. There are different grades of stainless steel. Kitchen sinks, for example, are often made of a high-grade of stainless steel.

Similarly, UV stabilisers are to plastic what the chromium is to steel. When added to the polymer mix, the plastic is protected against becoming brittle in the Sun.


UV stabilizers in the polymer protect the Barrier against the harmful UV rays, preventing it from bulging, warping, or going brittle over time, inhibiting and absorbing the harmful UV light that causes it break down. So, in the same way that some steels are called stainless, the UV stabilised poly is like a “stainless poly”. 

SUPA UV Polyethylene


Australia experiences some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world. As such, leading edge technology is required to ensure our barriers remain reliable and durable for a long time.


UV8 level of stabilisation has been considered the minimum required for good long-term protection in Australia. Rotathene® SUPA UV, provides a much higher level of protection than the Australian industry standard (AS/NZ 4766:2006).


Through careful selection of a high-quality Polyethylene base polymer specifically designed for outdoor use, advanced additives such as UV stabilisers and antioxidants, pigmented “SUPA UV” provides a UV36 level of stabilisation.



Testing UV Protection Levels in Polyethylene


UV protection levels in polyethylene are assessed under highly controlled conditions of high intensity UV radiation with similar wavelengths to those from the Sun. Samples are removed from the UV weatherometer every few thousand hours and stretched in a tensile tester to determine how much flexibility they retain 


This provides the % Elongation of the test sample. This value is compared to the value obtained for the set that was not placed in the weatherometer and recorded on a graph as the % Retained Elongation.


The % Retained Elongation decreases as degradation increases. Once the Elongation drops to 50% the poly sample is deemed to have failed. After 36,000 hours of accelerated UV weathering, pigmented SUPA UV poly samples retained well over 50% of their original elongation properties.


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Warehouse and Distribution Centre 1:  
Gibberd Road Balcatta WA 6021

Warehouse and Distribution Centre 2: Beringarrah Drive Malaga WA 6090

Manufacturing  Warehouse 1:
Victoria Road Malaga WA 6090

Manufacturing  Warehouse 2:
Innovation Drive Wangara 6065



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Management: 123 St George’s Terrace, Perth, WA 6000

Registered Office: Level 1/565 Hay St, Daglish WA 6008


ACN: 149 854 080

ABN: 54 149 854 080


zero waste heroes
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