There's a good reason our bollards are specified by the major road authorities
Did you ever stop to wonder why bollards are not impact resistant? We suppose it's so you return time and time to spend more money, but the problem is this causes tonnes of unnecessary waste of not only money but valuable resources that we can no longer afford! and really, what's the point of a bollard that can't take impact from vehicles?
Scroll down to view range or contact us to get a quote
Not all bollards are the same
Traditionally most people installed steel bollards directly in concrete (and even concrete filled them) crating never ending cycle of costly damage and waste but thanks to recent developments there are now far better solutions improving safety, efficiency and substantially reducing waste , costs and risks. Here's guide to choosing a bollard.
What our customers say
“ Our bollards were getting hit all the time and costing heaps to maintain so we installed some surface mount impact recovery bollards around five or six years ago and we have just had to replace the core in one of them.
These bollards are great, they have outlasted other bollards we've tried by years, saving so much on maintenance that would have repaid the initial outlay many times over.”
1. Select your bollard
Choose from steel, stainless of Advanced Polymer (Standard units Safety Yellow but a range of colours are available) Ask for a colour chart
2. Select Installation
Bollards can be installed 350 mm depth or surface mounted using the Impact Recovery System and will be impact resistant at low to medium speed.
3. Select depth
350 mm depth is suitable for most situations and bollard is removable. If subject to severe impact such a utility vehicles or trucks - you will need 650 mm depth Foundation
4. Striping
If you want reflective striping you can select from Red or White reflective striping or MRWA striping.