Previously an obstacle to the roll out of autonomous vehicles, was the problem of damaged or changed roadside infrastructure. Using low cost sensor technology, Smart cars can now be made aware signage and can be made aware, in real time of upcoming roadworks, missing and damaged road infrastructure

Autonomous cars use a broad set of sensors to “see” the environment around them, helping to detect objects such as pedestrians, other vehicles and road signs but they cannot recognise a missing STOP sign or traffic light and therefore will not stop at a potentially dangerous junction
To keep our roads safe it is imperative that damaged vital road infrastructure such as Stop signs and Traffic lights are quickly replaced.
RFID tags combined with Smart Sustainable Foundations allow fast efficient replacements with little, to no, disturbance to traffic flow
It's not only autonomous vehicles that can fall prey to missing or damaged road infrastructure- this is a prblem for human drivers as well.
Fast efficient replacements are vital to keeping our roads in good working condition and reduing the risk of serious, possibly fatal injuries
We’ve developed an app so that smart autonomous vehicles can make decisions based on real-time information and situational awareness.

Smart vehicles cannot recognise roadworks.
To improve safety RFID Tags are now available for roadworks - you simply log in when setting up roadworks and a notification is sent to Google Maps and you are automatically logged out when when you leave the site.
Smart vehicles cannot recognise damaged infrastructure.
To improve safety vital roadside infrastructure is fitted with low cost RFID tags that send a notification to Google maps and to the operations centre when an item is impacted
Smart vehicles cannot recognise roadworks so will not slow down.
When roadworkers are using Smart Urban RFID Tags the vehicles will automatically reduce speed to the required 30 kmph, greatly reducing the risk of workplace injury
Smart vehicles cannot recognise roadworks
To improve safety vital roadside infrastructure is fitted with low cost RFID tags that send a notification to Google maps and to the operations centre when an item is impacted